blurred about life"s simple complexities

Friday, June 10, 2005

dang! missed it..

missed the first week of COD.. dang!

i think the whole idea of me blogging and to be actively involve in posting is really a discipline on its own. haha.. yes, my APPOLOGIES to everyone who are involved in the COD cycle (with Messy Christian), so sorry i missed out the first chapter. reason? i'm caught up with work. a lame excuse but yeah, really caught up. its like 12am now and for some reason, i'm still in the client's place trying to do some fixing and checking on some function (yep, i'm working in a software house) and for some reason, there is some technical error happening now. (and i'm taking a break now *grin*)

i really do want to post on COD, but due to some really really tight schedule now with work (where i am required to work on weekends overnight) for up to 14th june, my time are spend mostly at work. by the time i get home to read COD and to do some review and thoughts, my eyes and brain dozes off at page 3. however (!!), i shalt not giveth up! hehe, yes, i will still post on chap 1 of COD as well as chap 2. a lil far behind but yes, i will still be part of it. (altho i might just start from chap 2 *wink*)


johnsee said...

Haha, nice once Bob ..*trying to stop laughing*

Anyway blurry essh, it's really alright. We'll leave no one behind! There're a few others who are also just starting off.

blurred esh said...

eek! hmm.. now THATS discipline, eh..? hehe..

Thanx a bunch for your support and encouragements.. i should be able to start a lil by next week and yea, will definetely read all your posts.. hehe