blurred about life"s simple complexities

Thursday, June 23, 2005

COD - Prayer

Prayer is to change.
Prayer is to make something change.
Prayer is to believe that something will change.

hmm..then what is it that makes a Christian prayer different from other religion's prayer?

well, there are so many religions and tribes and cults that prays (i think) but what is it that makes their prayer different from a Christian prayer? this caught my attention when i was checking through some other websites that had the discussion on COD's topic on prayer. they mentioned that there are so many other religion that prays out of fear, respect, and ritual or to get something. i think that makes it different enough that Christian prays to communicate with the Father.

'A man prayed, and at first he thought prayer was talking. But he became more and more quiet until in the end he realized that prayer is listening' ~ SØren Kiérkegaard (extract from COD)

after reading the chapter, i was reflected back on my previous prayer life. in one word.. dull. it was either alot of word and no meaning or simply, no prayer at all. we, well i, tend to use alot of flowerly words to express word but sometimes dont quite mean it. well, not saying that using bombastic words are wrong but if its meaningless words, is a meaningless prayer. i remember once a girl had to say her prayer for her first time in a large group. before her there were a few other people that were prayer in very boombastic, long, and convincing prayers but when her turn came to pray, her prayer was simply 'Lord, i donno how to pray but i pray you help us not to do stupid stupid things. amen.' cute, simple and (if you were there at the moment) you could feel the sincerity when she said that prayer. yeah, its a lil cute and funny but it was very child like prayer that has alot of faith in what she prayed for. which i think is what the Father ultimately seeks.

having faith when praying
that girl had full faith when praying that simple prayer. well, i know i dont sometimes. we sometimes pray, 'Lord, if it's possible..' or 'Lord, could you...' if from readin in John 17, Jesus prayed and in that whole chapter, there was never a word 'if' in it. he had full faith and trust to God and that was the last prayer before he was arrested. like how Richard Foster said it.. 'they obviously believed that they knew what the will of God before they prayed the prayer of faith.'

building the relationship
reminded and realised alot. reminded that building a relationship is when we communicate with someone, whether it is with our friends, family or God. we need to communicate. and prayer is a communication tool used to communicate with God. realised that i have not been communicating much with God itimately. well, aside from my daily hectic schedule at work and sleepless night thinking about everything else under the sun, i always seem to have the 'not-enough-time' disease. when reading the first few pages, Richard Foster listed some giants that actually spend hours(!) in prayer. that's a real challenge to me but it doesnt seem to be when i am talking to my friend. i like how Richard Foster puts it as a comfort.. 'Occasional joggers are not instant Olympic marathoner.' but that doesnt mean that i have the right to be occasional joggers all the time, right? *wink*

the whole chapter got me to really realised how important it is to pray and to believe in our prayer cuz prayer is to change. whether it is to change ourselves, change our environment or change or mindset.. to be more like Christ. i'm now trying to make it my discipline which is to pray before i start my work. seen the result when i do and when i dont, and yeah, prayer changes.


devilwitattitude said...

How do u get up when u the hell do u keep on having faith when ur shaken so many the hell am i suppose to belive when i am still in dark...

blurred esh said...

for me is when i put aside the 'I' in me and when i just have to trust in God. sometimes we reason too much or we think too much of the problem and not the one that can help us solve it.

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Ps 34:18)

Anonymous said...

Having faith is believing in something that is contrary to your logic. Jesus said that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains. Trials and temptations should make your faith stronger. You're not in this alone. Jesus will never leave you, nor forsake you.

Anonymous said...

Well hello there blurred esh, I was just searching for some ideas on Spirituality when I happened on to your Blog. Although COD - Prayer isn’t quite what I was looking for, it was for more information on Spirituality. You’ve still got a great Blog here. You are most welcomed to visit my site at Spirituality