blurred about life"s simple complexities

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

bloggers unite in 'celebration of discipline'

* initial attempt was to have the 'Celebration of Discipline' book picture.. still figuring how to work it out.. *
(24-june-05: finally got it!!! hehe)

anywayz, i've decided to join with the rest of the other bloggers as started by Messy Christian to blog on Celebration of Discipline.. now, this is pretty cool aside from the fact that i've kinda have read through some of the chapters in preparation for cell.

reading Celebration of Discipline was really helped in trying to understand on some of the discipline that we do as christians. well, sometimes when we are asked to pray, for example, there are some questions to why do we need to pray? why is it important to pray? what is the difference of other religion praying and a christian prayer? richard foster puts it in a manner that reflects on the importance or significance of prayer and how to practice the discipline. the book also discuss on other disciplines so, yeah, its a good book to read as a new christian or as a ol' timer christians. well, kinda think of it, whether we are new or old christians, we constantly need to have a reminder or a nudge on our christian walk.

anywayz, if there's anyone else out there that is interested in joining the bloggers in the Celebration of Discipline, its still not too late! :D we're starting this month onwards and yeah, join us.

1 comment:

blurred esh said...

hey bob, thanx.. i think i'll try that out. yeah its pretty hard trying to figure it out how to insert it in. the problem here is, the location of the file.. i have to use some other program to be able to display it in Bloggers.. anyhow, thanx for the tip. i'll definetely try it out. thanz..

Btw, are you joining in the Celebration groupies?