blurred about life"s simple complexities

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

blurred moment updates

i guess it is good to be blur at times. it helps to create some interesting lame laughter, too. tho, i think i did too much recently.

just a brief update (altho i actually have another post but its still wip) on my wonderful blur moments.. since i havent posted anything for sometime, now..

was suppose to have dinner with my hsemate, then a friend called me to meet up for a birthday celebration, then didnt work out, so called other friends to meet up.. again, didnt work out. i missed my chance to have homecook food with my hsemate.. darn. oh well, tried to shop for turquoise color clothes for a wedding i'll be attending. for some reason, everytime when i'm looking for a specific color, they dont seem to have it anywhere. well, its either too casual or too expensive. and just when i was looking for purple (for last month's wedding) last month, again i couldnt find any but when i was shopping last week.. tonnes of them! fruss.. therefore, i've decided to have bronze for my wedding colour! hahahahaha..!!!! (but a friend said that my guests will look like statues.. sigh)

watched 'V for Vendeta' show with jelly and kenny. and thats the first show that i've never seen the main actor's face! cuz the whole show was about this guy that became a guinea pig for some experiement in some prison and the prison blew up but he didnt die but his skin were so badly burnt, so he had to wear a mask.. or something like that. an interesting show altho, i still dont know who was the main actor. maybe there were many people acting that same role cuz its behind a mask, therefore no one can see who is actually the main actor. think about how much cost they save there and make up too! stunt men cuz just wear the mask and act too! hmm..

i broke a record.. my own record. of shopping for 9hrs in 2 malls only. haha.. 4 of us shopping our legs out. we were seriously very tired but yet, we shopped alot. well, we had a break at borders for coffee and just to relax. but it was walking again. we all manage to get all that we needed - yes, i manage to get my turquoise clothes too. but i think what was fun was just shopping the whole day. its pretty amazing how people can get the energy to shop the whole day and altho with the tiredness, they can still go from one shop to another to another.. should have a reality show to see, who can shop the most.. and remember all the shops.. ahhaha..

hmm.. i think the blurness (and lameness) is affecting me again. haha. well, just an update from me from my.. well, wonderful weekend. hehe ;o)
you want share too? hehe


Anonymous said...

Hey - glad you found the color you were looking for! I have the same problem when I go shopping looking for pants - I find tons of great shirts... go looking for shirts, find tons of great pants! LOL
I'd love to go shopping for 9 hours! I love shopping in Malaysia! ;) hee hee Come to the USA and I'll take you shopping! :P

Felix :O) said...

Fay Cheng, oh Fay Cheng... Guess what time it is???


It's time to update your blog! :)

Genusfrog said...

heyo shawl girl. goodchristianboy hast moveth to blogspot. clicketh on mine name and thou shalt be brought to mine new territory.

good morrow.