blurred about life"s simple complexities

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


nothing's free..!
nothing's free..?
yea.. nothing's free..!
not at all..?
everything has a price to pay
or at least a catch to it.
then what does 'F.O.C' means..?
thats old stuff, unwanted, useless
there's nothing free in this world

a free biscuit given to you..?
thats for try out
a free meal given to you..?
thats for an occasion
a free ride given to you..?
thats for helping others
a present given to you..?
thats for birthdays
a free money vaucher given to you..?
thats donation but will still take it
a free blank cheque given to you..?
thats a bounched cheque or some hidden agenda
a free advice given to you..?
thats for guidance
a free passport to heaven given to you..?
thats pure crap and impossible
there's nothing free in this world
nothing's free..!

[ blurred post thoughts ]

i overheard my colleague talking about a scam he encountered in one of the mall's carpark, where he was given free gifts and well, it was a scam la. then they were talking on how there's no such thing as free things.

it got me to realise.. how to tell someone of the salvation in a world where the word 'free' is actually 'NOT free? what happened to the price that was paid for us by His blood for us for us to have a 'free' access to heaven..? would anyone believe in 'free' again..?

nothing's free..?


WillZ said...

Everything has a price, what makes it free is whether we had to pay for it or not. When we get something and we don't have to pay for it, it's free. It doesn't matter who had to pay for it, take it and don't feel guilty. =) If the person giving wanted to give it for no charge then don't feel obligated to repay. If they want something back then they shouldn't offer it as free in the first place.

Sadly we could all do with working less for grace. Grace is 100% free and requires no payment on our part. If we worked for it, it voids the meaning of grace altogether. When it comes to grace, go for seconds, thirds,... don't hold back in asking God for grace. If God says it's a gift, then it's a gift and He wants us to enjoy it. Don't hold back by feeling guilty, at the same time don't take it for granted either. Just remember that Someone had to pay the price so you could get it free.

Haha.. I could just be blabbing for free. Don't know what it has got to do with anything. It's late and I don't care. Enjoy KK you!

blurred esh said...

heyz.. agree about the part where we could learn to accept more grace from others.. its like when someone gives us something really good for free, we think and reason too much that we end up.. not receiving it for free.

am i guilty of it, too.. *sigh*

Precious things said...

just as my finance teacher says, "there's nothing as a free lunch"...
he's so right...

blurred esh said...

sigh.. is everything about monetory? does everything have a price to pay?

love, friendship, relationship as well..?