blurred about life"s simple complexities

Monday, November 14, 2005

i've got tagged

felix tagged me to answer these questions.. hmmm...

7 things that scare me
- scarry movies (exorcism, ring.. whatever)
- sea urchen (if i'm snorkelling)
- bugs that flies (have you seen a flying crocoach.!?)
- taking chemistry or biology exams
- loosing important documents when travelling
- getting into a big car accident.. altho a minor one is good enough to scare me
(quite alot-lah.. shy.. hahaha)

7 random facts about me
- just bought a RM120 cap
- newly sudoku addict
- regular coffee drinker
- not a tea drinker except teh tarik (cuz plain tea all pretty much taste the same)
- eyeing on a new notebook
- have not done my christmas shopping yet
- tonnes of half read books lying in my room

7 things I hope to do before I die
- go for a europe tour
- backpack
- bungee jump
- travel to at least each country in each continents
- write a something thats impactful
- own my own house and car
- be an impact to at least someone

7 things I can do
- eat
- sleep
- type
- play off key guitar (God knows what unspeakable note)
- walk
- run
- jog

7 people who should fill this out
- Jelly
- Wai Nyan
- Minh Lee
- Wan Phing
- Willie
(sorry guys, but you guys are the only people i know in this blog-line.. hahahhaa)


Felix :O) said...

yay! you finally did it.. LOL

WillZ said...

I can't be bothered laaaaa...