i am now officially 23 and yes, i am getting older. but i still miss birthday parties..
just celebrated.. or, rather, enjoyed my birthday last week in a very simple manner. aside from the upcoming deepavali & hari raya holidays the next day, most of my friends went back home or somewhere. i stayed in KL insetad of going back home cuz there wasnt anyone at home (my parents were on holiday). so, then i thought, might as well celebrate it with my friends who were around.. or at least i think they were around. so, here's what happened on my birthday..
well, on the eve actually.
my housemate asked me if she could date me for either lunch or dinner depending on when i am available. then i told her, i'm available for her the whole day cuz no one dated me yet for the day.. sounds pathetic? hahahaha nahh.. anywayz, on the struck of midnight, received birthday call and birthday smses (and i am very very grateful for all the wishes! thank u thank u!). then.. i slept. well, had to get up the next day for service.. hahahaha
once in church, some wished me and smiled alot.. hahahaha.. well, aside from some ppl announcing my birthday, sunday service went by like a typical sunday service. then it was straight to 1-Utama. a friend dropped me there and said that was his birthday gift for me.. a free ride to 1-Utama.. hahahaa.. was really grateful for that ride cuz i would have to take a cab and it was quite a jam that day. anywayz, my housemate treated me Chili's and whoa.. i really stuffed myself to the max there! and not eaten so much tostada chips and tortilas.. hahaha. but it was cool. my dad called me too and said i was bullying my hsemate cuz she was only a student treating me who is working. he said i should be the one paying. and when i wanted to pay, my hsemate scolded me! hmm.. being scolded more than normal days! oh well... talked alot with my hsemate (not like we dont at home) and just walked around 1-Utama after that.. to digest the food we ate.. hahaa.. then it was just a nice quite rest at home.
well, it may sound a little simple (or pathetic) on how i spend my birthday but seriously, it was good.. well, as compared to last year.. i spend the whole day alone last year..! hahahaha.. pretty sad but yeah, this year was much better. but... (there's always a 'but' in everything) i still miss having a birthday party like when i was a kid.. hahahaha...
but reflecting on my 2 birthday experiences.. i actually experience alot of things. things that i dont get to experience it everyday. its just between me and my Dad.. the Dad with the big D. He was with me the whole day and just wanting me to reflect on my pass years i had with Him. i guess He just had to stop all of the rest so that i can finally get back to Him, huh.. hehe.. but it was seriously really good. reflecting on the past 23 years of my *ahem* mischievousness (haha) and how He never stop loving me. somehow i think, birthdays are the best time to just reflect on the years, months and days that you spend with your Dad.
a little time off,
a day off,
just spending time with Dad
before the day is off.
birthdays are special,
birthdays are memorable,
birthdays are given
by God our Father, how remarkable.
as another goes by,
another number added to our age,
but i still think,
another way how our Dad,
has loved us to this age.