blurred about life"s simple complexities

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

my wish list

suddenly.. i just thought of listing it again so, i thought of adding to the list.

probably i'm just bored, or i'm extremely broke. but why is it that when you're broke is when you want alot of things as well. well, at least its motivating me a bit. hahaha..

in random order, i want..

1. canon 350d
2. 120Gb notebook
3. cd player for my car
4. ipod nano - cant believe now i feel like wanting it when i used to say this is an anti-sosial device.
5. trench coat
6. maybe a new cupboard
7. a getaway and do absolutely nothing
8. a nice chat over coffee with friends
9. play tennis again
10. have my 3rd piercing
11. go to rain forrest festival
12. scuba dive in labuan - or somewhere there

again.. whether i achieve it this time or not is another issue. for now, i'll just need to make sure i have the cash for it and complete my work before seeing my client later! sigh..

oh.. an interesting combination - jazz meets vocal

song in head: everything - michael buble

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Useless fact of the day:

50,000 of the cells in your body will die and be replaced with new cells all while you have been reading this sentence‎.

[ updates later.. too sleepy to post something longer ]

Thursday, June 07, 2007

a sympathy?

disclaimer : what is posted below is purely my thoughts and my assumptions.

i'm not too sure if he needs to be sympatized or not. but then again, story has it that he was a betrayer, a back-stabber, the one doomed to be destroyed. he was also the one that needs to carry out the 'duty' in order the prophecy may be fulfill.

he is judas iscariot.

i had the discussion the other day with some of my girlfriends while discussing about this portion. he was a tax-collector. he loves money. he brought the pharisees to Jesus and thus, Jesus was caught, cruxified, etc. judas on the other had, got the money that he wanted - 30 silver coins.

so, up to that part, we know that he was the bad guy.

but if we read in Matthew 27, we read that he said 'i have sinned for i have betrayed innocent blood.' and he hangs himself. in the movie 'the passion', they potrayed judas being disturbed by all the little devils and all. well, who wouldnt be in sound mind after realizing that he just betrayed the Son of God.

my conclusion about judas was, what he did is probably no different from what peter did. peter denied Jesus 3 times. [ matthew 10: 32-33 "Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven. ] but what made peter one of the great apostles after that was, he repented before God after he realized it. judas continued in his wallow-pity-party.

so, that was my conclusion - God is a God of second chances. and that if we repent of our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive them.

but now.. my second thoughts is this verse. "While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled." [ John 17: 12 ]

kinda like.. Jesus knew that judas is going to destruction (ie Hell) even before judas met Him. meaning, he is seriously, bound to destruction.

well, i'm sure there's a reason why he chose judas to be his disciple. i mean, his 12 disciple out of the many thousand people that Jesus could have chose. why did Jesus picked him and yet knew that he is going to be destructed.

at first i though that maybe, Jesus picked him cuz He knew that judas was weak - as in his temptation to money. so, probably Jesus picked him, trained and guided him be stronger when tempted. but.. 'except the one doomed to destruction'.

ultimately.. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.

[ coffeexified ]

why is it that sometimes we want to do what is wrong when we already know its wrong..? or is it just me..?

Monday, June 04, 2007


unintentionally i took 1 whole month off from blogging. now i have 1 missing month in my archive. sigh

seriously unintentional.

[ coffeexified ]

i just thought i'd put up a pic.. something i saw from somewhere, decided to try out myself, learn photoshop [ thank you!! ] and voila.. what do you think? :D

what has happend to me.. well..

1. still cyber-coffeexified at starbucks.
but this time is really for work. sadness. i can be at starbucks really doing work. either that, or i have really lost my focus on what i'm suppose to do. it that time of the season when you've got something to do and more keeps coming. i've already got alot of overdue work and still in the midst of working on them. is time ever enough? of cuz not, thats what i'll say but i'll just submit to time.

2. change of style. still in the process.
no specific reason why i changed style. i just wanted to try something i've been wanting to try for the longest time - short hair. out of it, i've gotten some pretty funny responses:
you look younger! - thats what they tell me when i had longer hair.
you look more lady-like la.. - shorter hair, more lady-like, longer hair, more *what*..?!?
you look fresher.. - i must have been a walking corpse before this.
you just broke-up kah? - this was the ultimate. my friend asked me that cuz she said usually when someone cut her hair short is cuz she just broke up. the only break-up i had was with bank account - temporarily only *grin*

3. the big bang.
yes, my poor blue baby had an accident. shall not get into the mood of arguing whose fault but yes, i knock the person. i had to pay the bigger damage while the uncle's car only had a broken light. well, my poor blue baby had to be in the 'hospital' for a couple of days. i was immobile for awhile and i have forgotten how it feels like to take the train during peak hours. and the wonders of ppl i see on the train. anyway, the big bang kinda blew up all the other worries i have been having the past few days. all the work load, worries of other stuffs. so, the bang made me just chill off again.

4. relief.
in a few months, i'll tell you my big relief. but anyway, ever since i chilled out from my big bang, i manage to re-align myself abit more. think a bit more sensible. made a few friends with the mechanics, too. hahaha. but yea, one load off me. praise God for that.

5. off again!
if i dont blog for the next few days or weeks is cuz i'm still tied up at work.. before i go off to Bangkok for a few days holiday! ahhaha.. when i'm back, its crazy workload again. hopefully i can upload some pics.

[ coffeexified ]

i just met a self-claimed player. not too sure how to respond.

song in head : sweet escape - gwen stefani feat akon