i is trying to cramp all my thoughts in one post.
i is trying to update my blog.
i is attempting to blurrify me readers.
fun! hahaha
random musing 1kids these days are seriously very smart. was just talking to a 9 year old kid about IT stuff - gigabytes, megabytes, mp3, file transfer. and this kid even knows what's a gynecologist! i didnt even know there were names for such doctors till i was in college (i think). they're too smart. sigh.. whatever happened to adults fooling them with craps and they believe it. *sigh*
random musing 2was travelling back from church to home by cab and the friendly guy taught me a thing or two about marriage.
cabbie: girl, next time you want to find a husband, you must make sure you check his background. his family background. everything. then when you two want to buy a house or any property, make sure you insist to have your name together. at least your name is in the property also. then if anything happened, he cannot disturb you cuz your also own part of the property.
me: *??!?* err.. yea, check his background but if we're going to get married, should have faith that nothing will happen and if it does, should work it out, right?cabbie: yes, but you donno what can happen. people say love is blind. you check the dictionary. i am saying that you must be prepared if something bad happen.
me: (wah.. which dictionary la?) yea, uncle.. but they also say 'love never fails' (putting biblical truth) and..cabbie: haiyah, you donno wan. when ppl in love, everything is like a fairy-tale but when get married, thats when life actually begins.
me: yea, life as two ppl living together and....cabbie: next time, i tell you, when you pregnant 8 or 9 months and your husband wants to go out, you also follow him cuz you donno, when he go out other girls will woo your husband cuz you're not there. when you go out with him, they will know that he got a pregnant wife. cannot disturb wan..
me: *speechless and stunned*i was too tired, stunned and speechless to counter back. he continues to talk about how i should make sure i got enough money, education to support myself if my 'husband-to-be' leaves me. apa ni..!?
i wanted to say 'if you wanted to marry the person, you should believe that you are going to be together grey-headed and not when s/he is going to leave you' or at least talk about 1 cor 13.. but he didnt stop talking. *sigh*
how would you handle that kind of situation..?
random musing 3following up a little on
yasmin ahmad's mukhsin production and seriously, i cant wait for it to be done. well, it is still in the very early stage la. a movie about orked's (character from her previous show 'sepet' and 'gubra') first love.
yasmin ahmad's coming out with the
tagline for the show and one of her tagline was really interesting.. 'does friendship end where love begins?'
i would say.. it is possible. depending on the individual-la. but so far, from the ppl that i know, it takes awhile to build the friendship again if love ended.. what do you think?
NO, I'M NOT GETTING EMO! :P it just my random musing la.. hahaha..
oh well, tell me what you think.. :D