blurred about life"s simple complexities

Friday, November 10, 2006

dialing thoughts

will we talk again?
i have seen you from afar
i have heard of you for awhile
i have wanted to call you
when will we talk again?

something like my previous post but of a different view.. well, at least i think so.

when a friendship [ or a relationship ] is broken or distant for whatever the reason, i'm sure there are some thoughts that come across your mind..

thoughts of what happened in the past
thoughts of the smiles and laughters shared
thoughts of conversations and secrets shared
thoughts of what that person might have been doing
thoughts of how it ended [ fullstop ]

either its just me but i've think quite too much [ when i should be thinking of my work! ] but yea, just thought how friends relationship can be made and drifted just because of a wrong words, action or just no effort to follow up. and sometimes the hardest part is to build that relationship again.

time might be able to help to build that relationship again but it might not be the same as it used to be. the openess and the gap may be a lil different. but its still workable.

provided there's the initiative to start.

recently, i've met up with some extremely long lost friends. some when i was in highschool and to hear their updates, its amazing. and to calculate how many years we've not kept in contact - freaks me! [ shows that i'm actually getting older ] but i appreciate my friends that called me and we've kept in contact again. there's so much to talk about and just to update one another about their lives and their upcoming. teasing each other about the past goals that never achieved. and just to see how each of have changed from younger days to now, moving to adulthood. and the best part - to be able to meet up again.

but there's also some friends that i've met and heard from afar. friends that were once close and now drifted far. must i wait for a few more years again before we dared to talk to each other again? when will we talk again?

my mom told me that relationship is the most important thing in one's life. thats why we need to build our relationship with our Father too. but if we have problem building relationship with our friends we see, what about our Father thats unseen. well, just a thought on a blurred friday.

song in head : all over again - ronan keating & kate rusby

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